
New MRI Facility

Client: Northern Lincolnshire & Goole Hospitals NHS FT Architect: P+HS Architects Main Contractor: Hobson Porter
Project Value: c. £8m Services Provided: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, RIBA Stage 4 Technical design, Level 2 BIM modelling.

M&E Design 

SDA worked partnership with the Trust in the design of mechanical and electrical services to enable the disconnection and demolition of an existing modular office building and entrance, and the construction of a new imaging suite for 2No magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines and a covered corridor connecting the extension with the existing hospital building, with the aim to provide an enhanced patient experience, reducing waiting times and allowing for cancer patients to be diagnosed faster.

SDA produced a services strategy report for issue to the client, along with fire alarm cause and effect report and consequential improvement reports highlighting the ongoing maintenance and enhancement works carried out by the Trust to upgrade and maintain the estate.

The project involved the Creation of a new plantroom on the roof of the new MRI unit, modifications and additions to the mechanical services installations.

An element of this scheme included amendments and extensions to the electrical infrastructure, and the extension of the CSSD 2 switchboard building to accommodate the new switchboard, including the modification of the existing fire alarm, small power and lighting installations.

The new facility houses areas for both inpatients and outpatients, offices, changing areas, bed bays, recovery areas, toilets and MRI suites.